Many people do not take into account how to handle a dental emergency until they are in the midst of one. Whether your tooth has been broken or knocked out completely, it is important to know where to go. Anyone who has ever suffered from dental discomfort is well aware of how unbearable the pain can be. At Sage Dental, we realize that there is no time to waste when you are suffering from a dental emergency.
If you have damaged a tooth and are suffering from dental pain, it is important to contact a dentist immediately. All of our doctors have after-hour contact numbers for existing patients. In the event of a dental emergency, both new and existing patients will be provided appropriate care in a timely manner.
If you are suffering from pain, swelling, bleeding, or other significant concerns, contact Sage Dental immediately. All of our offices throughout Florida and Georgia handle dental emergencies. In addition, Sage Dental has multiple locations with Saturday hours for added convenience.
Make Sage Dental your first call when faced with a dental emergency.