Expert dental care from the comfort of your home.

Sage dentists are available for virtual orthodontic, cosmetic, and emergency consultations. During the consultation, your dentist will review treatment options for your case. They will then assist you with scheduling an in-person visit to one of our locations for your treatment, if needed.
Complete your virtual consultation in just 3 easy steps. Once your photos have been submitted, you will receive a phone call from one of our practices to review them and conduct your consultation.

Fill the form below and upload your photos.

Send them to be reviewed by a dental practitioner.

Get a comprehensive report of your oral condition.
Watch this quick instructional video for an easy step-by-step guide to capturing the images of your teeth for the consultation
By accessing the Sage Dental Teledentistry portal, I consent to dental care by teledentistry, a system that allows a dentist to view my records through the internet, to conduct an oral screen and to recommend treatment.